winter is resilient...i'll give it that much.

i took this picture from my office window. it makes me want to cry. are we not supposed to be having RAIN showers? so that we can have may FLOWERS? isn't that how the rhyme goes? ugh! things...other than the snow - are going great. we're getting busier all the time...thanks to those who came forward and said that they would volunteer this weekend. I really, really appreciate it. we're doing pretty good out here. i can't wait to get into the new building. it should be about a month now until we're in it. That's super exciting. It's getting some of the finishing touches on it and soon - very soon we will be in it. as far as Ken the Cook goes...yes, he and rachel are pregnant and no they have not had their baby yet. i will keep everyone updated. that should happen within the next two weeks but we expect sooner rather than later. i was a lazy bum last week and did not update the blog. so i'm two camps behind. So let's get caught up! IGNITE CAMPS better k...