Calling all Kingdom Workers!!

Today we received 10 camper registrations. That may not seem like a lot but when you're 89% full - 10 campers make a big difference. We only have 126 spots left in our summer camps. We truly are down to the last stretch. We're wanting to see every. single. spot. filled. We want 1041 campers and 43 families hear the Gospel this summer - we want to see Lives Transformed by the Power of Jesus . To do this, we need staff. We need volunteers. Each May and June, we bring in about 30 staff to work our Outdoor Education and Guest Group ministry. During this time - our discipleship programs and summer games are being written and designed - summer magic is being crated. At the end of June, 30 staff becomes 70 and we are joined by nearly 100 volunteers in the following two months. These are not youth, young adults, lesser young adults, and grandparents who are wasting their summer or finding something to do to fill their time...they're building the Kingdom of God. They are using...