A new name and a new App!....Wait...what?

This week has been so full of excitement. We'll be sure to keep you in the loop with how the colt is doing... That's right! We've officially got a name for our little buddy. It's BLUE!A big thanks to everyone who submitted names and voting. The response was exciting and overwhelming! But that's not all. We've got another announcement that was just emailed out to the World of Evergreen. We've got an app. Thanks right - there is an app for that! We have been looking for new ways to engage and connect with our campers and guests outside of email and our website. Our App helps you do that. With features like: DVO - devotionals posts during the week (about twice weekly) from our staff. You can ask questions and comment on the DVOs each week. Tree Mail - notifications from the camp once a week about important stuff like if Camp is going to be at a church for a promotion, if we have introduced new camps (like we did last week), or if a camp fills...