sunday in lethbridge.

On Sunday, I (Kerry) spent the day in the lovely (windy) city of Lethbridge. I spent the morning at College Drive Community Church -- one of Evergreen's supporting churches. College Drive does a very neat Camp Sunday each year -- this is the second time I've had the privilege of being involved. I was joined by representatives from Southern Alberta Bible Camp and Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp, and kids from the College Drive youth group interviewed us -- about our camps and about our relationships with God. The kids also lead the worship through music, did a short drama and one of them preached! They did a really fantastic job of the whole thing, and it was lots of fun to be there. After church, I met five of our past and future staff at Moxie's. All five are both "past" and "future" staff, huzzah! I brought their hiring packages with me for hand delivery, which was a source of great excitement (see the picture below, taken on my phone -- explaining th...