here's to 2006

merry christmas evergreeners! i comes to me this 28th day of december that we are closing out another year. and it's been a great year. retreats and camps and guests groups alike fade away with the calenders and christmas decorations as we head into another year. ahhhhhh. i however - don't really find that much changes. just a number at the end of 2006. but it has been a good 365 days. some of our staff positions have changed, we had 60 great staff members to compliment a fantastic summer, AND we going to have a new building by May on site (pictures to come in the new year). our camper brochures will be done and out in January, i've got the speakers for over half our summer camps and almost all the 2007 retreat speakers booked, AND we even have our t-shirt design figured out for the summer but's top secret. so december 2007 doesn't even seem that far away and we haven't even started it yet. let me know some of your resolutions (if you are in the ...