introducing ... kristy

Kristy probably doesn't need an introduction; she's been here for the past two years. But, I'm going to introduce her to you anyway, just in case you haven't met her yet. Kristy is much-loved, especially by our staff kids. It's pretty cute how they flock to her!

hometown | Calgary

favourite band
| Rubber (wait for it).

favourite book
| The Bible and Green Eggs and Ham.

favourite movie or tv show
| Kristy's been on staff through the winter and we've been doing a girls' movie night once a week. We seem to go for a lot of movies that were made before Kristy's time, and that might, by most standards, be considered terrible (cheesy, lame plot, bad acting, etc.), but she's a been a pretty good sport about it. I'm thinking that 9 to 5 was probably her favourite to date.

favourite thing(s) to do at camp evergreen | "Catching run away horses." (Okay, seriously, Kristy's had some experience with this, this winter. Duke, Diamond, Munchkin and the other one who lives in the front pasture recently made a break for the neighbour's house.)

favourite skill to teach | Horsemanship ("... because I like working with the horses") and the wall ("... because I like being able to visit with the groups").

i can't make it through the day without ... | "Hanging out with Lisa and finding out what Wanda has to say." (Wanda is the fish on Lisa's computer.)

how many years i've been coming to evergreen | Ten!

something i love to do when i'm not working is ... |
"Hang out with my [camp] 'family'."

anything else you'd like to say, kristy? |
"Lisa, Colleen, Janelle and Kerry answered these questions on my behalf."


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