introducing ... erin

Erin's been here since October [edit: since SEPTEMBER. Erin has reminded me of this many times now but I never remember], hosting groups and leading activities and he's also become an expert bunk bed builder this winter. Courtney likes to call Erin "Beouf", in reference to former child star Shia LaBeouf, because she thinks Shia and Erin look alike. I'm not so sure.

hometown | Rosemary, Alberta

favourite band
| Demon Hunter

favourite book
| A series called "the Legend of Drizzt Do'Urden"

favourite move or tv show
| Gilmore Girls

best camp memory | [Before I even share Erin's best camp memory, I should say that I can't quite figure out why this is a fond memory, but ... ] Erin says, "Sledding and hitting a tree, resulting in a minor concussion ... or my first time here." [I should also add that extreme sledding is not on our list of offered activities. And that I think the lighthouse skit at Rise 'n Shine 2008 should be on Erin's list of faves.]

favourite thing(s) to do at camp evergreen | Talking with other staff.

favourite skill to teach | Archery.

i can't make it through the day without ... | Praying.

favourite bits in the Bible | Romans 1:16.

how many years i've been coming to evergreen | Either three or four.

something i love to do when i'm not working is ... |
Reading, studying God's word. [I, Kerry, will add that Erin is also a big fan of video games and, apparently, extreme sledding.]

anything else you'd like to say, erin? |
"I miss people back home ..."


Alyssa Neudorf said…
I SO REMEBER THAT LIGHT HOUSE SKIT at the jr high retreat in 2008
That is deff one of my favorite memories!

Hmm i have so many favorites in my 8 years...well seven this will be my 8th
One of my favorites is when i scrared teh living daylights out of Ashley! (Be worned Coutney!)

Hmm to many others to list!

See you all in 97 DAYS!!!

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