introducing ... emily

Emily is amazing. She's our French Roughin' It girls leader and she's funny and super and has superior outdoors skillz and is a ridiculously hard worker. We love Emily (and so will you)!

hometown | Wentworth, Quebec

favourite band
| "Don't have one ... I just love music."

favourite book
| Rush of Wings

favourite move or tv show
| Gone in 60 Seconds, NCIS, the Unit

favourite thing(s) to do at camp evergreen | "Dream about jumping into mud puddles and watch the stars."

favourite skill to teach | "Fires, because there are so many ways, and fun ways, to [safely!] light them and rock climbing because it's such a good analogy for how my faith looks."

i can't make it through the day without ... | "London Fog and a smile."

favourite bits in the Bible | "Undecided as I really just like a lot of them."

how many years i've been coming to evergreen | "This is my first year in the making."

something i love to do when i'm not working is ... |
"Laughing with my twin and chilling, talking about gear [climbing gear] and driving."


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