sp&ex2 (august 3-6): fun in the sun!

Sparks & Explorers 2 (for students entering grades 1-4) was a super fun week. How glad am I that we've had four consecutive super fun weeks? It's amazing!

Michael, who is one of our Assistant Program Directors, was our speaker for Sp&Ex2. It was his first time ever speaking and he did so great! He strapped on his gigantic backpacking backpack and broke out his walking stick. He talked about God is good, God is faithful and God is love.

To tell us about how God is good, Michael talked about how God used bad circumstances (his brothers selling him into slavery!) in Joseph's life to do something amazing. To tell us about how God is faithful, Michael talked about how even after the Prodigal Son had left home and hurt his father a lot, his father welcomed him home when he chose to return. To tell us about how God is love, Michael talked about how Jesus came to earth to die for our sins and he was raised again by God after three days. (You can read the whole book of John to learn about Jesus's life, death and resurrection, or any of the gospels!) Michael also talked about how he's learned about how each of those things - God being good, faithful and love - are true in his own life, while walking on something called a Camino, across Spain. That's why he wore a backpack and had a walking stick while he spoke!

We had lots of fun playing games, singing songs, doing skills and being crazy during camp, and here are some pictures to prove it!

Silly songs at the fire pit (technically called "Yodel 'n Hum", not silly songs).

Climbing wall adventures.

Creature Feature! What kinds of gross/cool/spectacular/icky/wacky insects and pond life can we find?

Field games (or dance parties?) are always a fun time.


Anonymous said…
I love that first picture of S and W!!

Lisa B.

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