Yay for Snow!!!

well, we thought it was going to warm up, and it did...for a while. then, overnight we got about 3 or 4-ish (i'm a bad estimator :p) inches of snow. however, it is warmer again, so it's starting to melt all over again. talk about a lot of mud and ice! not a whole lot has been going on lately, ken (our own resident chef) has been doing the sanding for us in the welcome center, and is just about done. a great big thanks to him! the painters are coming in on thursday (i think anyway, don't quote me on that!) and that is really exciting. as cool as the snow is though, i'm ready for some warmer weather. i can just imagine how amazing summer is going to be with the sun shining and warmness that happens that time of the year! i love it.
we also have another member of our staff that joined us two weeks ago. his name is omiunu, but most of us just call him johnson. it's a lot easier to pronounce for us less phonetically gifted :). he is from south africa, which i think is awesome and, prayerfully, he'll be with us til around august. omiunu is an amazing guy who is cheerful without fail, and i think it'll be a good time. that's about it, and i have to jet now, so i'll talk with y'all in a few days! (if you couldn't tell already this is steph, by the way) ttfn!


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