ode to fleisch 92

k - so i don't even know if i spelt that correctly...i'm not german - i'm scottish and in gaelic...we'd probably throw some silent q paired with a couple of "lls" that make a "ch" sound.

was that confusing to anybody else?

there has been a "thing" brought to my attention (it's not serious...well - it might be...heh heh) that the band that provided the most excellent music at our Family Meltdown was missed in last week's credits. so - they get their own post. their VERY own post. not just because vicky (featured beside me...vicky has the blond hair) mentioned that they weren't mentioned but also because they did an amazing job. the music was cool but i always enjoy watching dale use all his percussion stuff (like a rain stick! and something that resembles a giant gourd). the picture here is of the band. dale friesen is in the orange, vicky in the white, andrew is on drums, krista quapp is wielding the violin (she's a long standing camp staff...i think she even mentioned that she's one of those staff that just never leaves) and then gerry on the piano. the guy who is not shown is harley who is actually vicky's dad...he's the most awesome sound guy. i was even blessed to hear him sing that weekend! they're one of my favourites! and they do the song "meet me in the river" by jon buller and it's a lot of fun.
they're all from...well they're all either from or related to people from coaldale...and for those of you that have NO idea where coaldale is...it's east of lethbridge alberta...where the wind blows hard.
so i just wanted to say that i really really appreciated them and maybe...just maybe we'll get to enjoy them again in september when maybe, just maybe they'll come and be the band at the sr. high retreat (rise up!). i hope i hope i hope.
anyways, i think i'll head out for now. it's my birthday on saturday (march 3rd) and i've got a men's retreat to prepare for. hey, if there are any dad's that check this or kids - tell your dads that we've got a men's retreat planned for March 23-25th. It's going to be an awesome time!
stay strong in His grip,


vicky said…
cort, you are pretty much the coolest chick ever. loved the post. loved the pics. but gotta give God all the praise for that band. he has definitely blessed me over and again with playing with them. i love it. makes me wish it was everyday. but yeah. if you are reading this comment. hopefully you will come out to the sr. high retreat in september. because hopefully fleisch 92 will rock out together again.
Anonymous said…
nice pic (vicky!)
154 days till i go to camp and 129 days till camp starts.

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