Pond Hockey is Coming!

With snow in the forecast - I thought it would be fitting to start talking about Pond Hockey! It's only a mere three and a half months away! And though it might be something to get excited about the hockey magic that happens on that day - are we ready for winter to begin...probably not but that's not going to stop me from getting us ready for POND HOCKEY!!

Pond Hockey is our biggest fundraiser and we're excited to tell you that we want to hit $45,000 in January 2017. That means we need 10 teams who are willing to raise, play, and score big for Camp!

Our Pond Hockey Tournament is set for January 13-14, 2017!

Pond Hockey isn't just a day for players. It's fun for the whole family. Spectators are Free! How can you say no to that?! We've got wagon rides, a kids' skate, and games ready for everyone who comes out for the day.

There will be a Silent Auction table and prizes for the winners of the tournament and the most coveted prize - Top Fundraising Team.

If you're interested in signing up your team, donating an item to the Silent Auction, or volunteer for the day - contact Courtney at the office or email her at: courtney@camp-evergreen.com.

So get planning - mark January 14th off on your calendar today - Pond Hockey is coming and it's going to be epic.

Our Events Page on the website has all of the information on registering a team and donating! Let's get pumped about Pond Hockey as we skate to see lives tranformed at camp.


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