Meet our International Staff!

Hi folks!

Thanks for checking in! Camp has just been hopping for the last couple of weeks. September is our busiest rental month of the year seeing nearly 1100 people through our site. Isn't that crazy? We'll get back to blogging pretty regularily now but it almost always seems like we need to take a step back from the GreenSpot in September to take a deep breath.

The beginning of September also means that we see our new generation of Germans through and this year we've expanded to see a staff member from Ireland and one from New Zealand. It's been so much fun to hear all of the fun accents amongst our staff. We wanted to introduce you to all of them in a fun way so here's a bit of an introduction to our six internationals:

German Generation #5 - Left to right: Julian, Jonas, Sophie, Franca, Marina
Left to right: Emily (New Zealand) and Shauna (Ireland)

I (Jogee) asked each of the staff questions about their impressions of Canada, what they miss most about their home, and why they chose are their questions:

What's your favourite food from home? If it's something we don't may have to explain it...
  • Jonas: Spaetzle mit Soss (Jogee's special German noodles with sauce)
  • Julian: Pancakes filled with meat, cheese, and vegetables
  • Marina: Pancakes (Pfannkuchen and Kaesspaetzle...Jogee has no idea what this is)
  • Sophie:  BBQs!!!!
  • Franca: Maultaschen (meat wrapped in pasta dough) in all possible ways
  • Emily: Homemade pizza with chicken, brie, and cranberries for toppings followed by Pavlova topped with cream, yoghurt, and topped with chocolate or fruit
  • Shauna: Pizza and my mum's cooking...but don't tell her that!

What was your first impression of Canada?
  • Jonas: Canada has a beautiful landscape and friendly people
  • Julian: Canada is really big and there's nothing than farms! :)
  • Marina: Ginormous and huge.
  • Sophie: Everything is SO big! Cars, buildings, and the streets! The Tim Horton's cups are huge! Only Canadian light switches and electrical outlets are small!
  • Franca: My first thought of Canada looked like the workers at the airpot in and women with flannel shirts and cowboy hats.
  • Emily: It's very similar to NZ - people are friendly, laid back, and it's so beautiful 
  • Shauna: The scenery is beautiful here, Also there is a serious amount of Tim Hortons here!

Favourite things you've done since you arrived:
  • Jonas: Going to Banff, hiking there, and doing sports with the camp staff
  • Julian: Banff National Park in the Rocky Mountains
  • Marina: Went in a waterslide with a loop and jumped off a diving pool surrounded by mountains in Fairmont
  • Sophie: Visiting Banff - seeing my first bear. West Edmonton Mall was also stunning.
  • Franca: Visiting Banff. It was so beautiful.
  • Emily: Sitting around the campfire visiting with the guest groups here at the camp. We just talked and laughed for the longest time, it was amazing.
  • Shauna: I love walking by the creek and watching the leaves change. I also got to ride a horse for the first time!

What's the weirdest thing Canadians do?
  • Jonas: Canadian doorknobs are weird and the air conditioning is sort of special
  • Julian: Wraps at breakfast
  • Marina: Burp outloud in public (Jogee agrees!!) and tell the age in grades (this might be an Evergreen thing).
  • Sophie: Eating hashbrowns with slices of warm ham for breakfast.
  • Franca: You take coffee into church. And you eat three warm meals a day (again, this might be an Evergreen thing).
  • Emily: No answer...I guess NZers are weird too. ;)
  • Shauna: You say "aye" a lot. (I think she meant "eh"...but she's Irish - maybe that makes it an "aye".)

Favourite Canadian food?
  • Jonas: Pulled pork sandwiches
  • Julian: BBQ!!
  • Marina: Breakfast bagels and Taco Salad
  • Sophie: Ken's cinnamon buns with icing
  • Franca: Hamburgers
  • Emily: Anything that Ken cooks! Or Poutine.
  • Shauna: Everything Ken cooks is so delicious, much worse...everything he bakes is just too delicious and I can't control myself.

One thing you want the Camp Evergreen world to know about you:
  • Jonas: If my room (or any room) smells bad, it's the food's fault.
  • Julian: I don't talk a lot, but I want you to talk to me.
  • Marina: If I was ice cream, I would be cinnamon ice cream.
  • Sophie: I am corruptible with bananas...I LOVE bananas.
  • Franca: I really like the minions.
  • Emily: I love learning about new people, new cultures, and everything really!
  • Shauna: I love to travel and totally immerse myself in another culture while sharing my own.

One thing you are excited about experiencing or doing at camp:
  • Jonas: Living with a group of people who provide an environment of fun for others.
  • Julian: Working for God at camp
  • Marina: Trail rides and playing Willsonball with the most amount of campers possible
  • Sophie: The hockey season in winter and experiencing the camps in the summer with all of the kids!
  • Franca: Every season at camp, especially the summer camps because I think that everything goes crazy.
  • Emily: Teaching people new skills and giving the guest groups a good time here.
  • Shauna: Meeting new people both with the staff and guest groups. Getting to experience actual snow!

Tell us why you have come to spend a whole year or even a few months in Canada:
  • Jonas: I wanted to spend a year in a English-speaking country before I start working. I also wanted to do volunteer work at a camp and grow in my faith.
  • Julian: Canada and Germany are very different and I like to earn new experiences. In addition, I love the nature and camping. Snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains is on my bucketlist.
  • Marina: Camp is where I got to know Jesus and which had a huge positive impact in my life. Now it was time to "pay back" and invest in other people's lives just as people invested in mine.
  • Sophie: After I graduated I wanted to do a gap year before university. For me it was important to do this year in the name of God and for God. I also wanted to experience something new, challenging, and something that required me to step out of my comfort zone. Camp Evergreen connects all of this.
  • Franca: After my graduation I wanted to spend a year abroad to experience something else than my normal surroundings and I wanted to serve God in a different way that I normally was used to.
  • Emily: I wanted to experience the Canadian culture and meet new people and learn new skills. Camp is an amazing gift for us and I love being part of giving that gift to other people.
  • Shauna: I love to travel and coming to work at camp is the perfect scenario. I get to meet lots of interesting people while being outdoors all day! Camp Evergreen is situated in a beautiful part of the world so it's great to experience that!
I hope that you've enjoyed getting to know our Internationals!
See you here next week!


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