Our Mission!

Our Mission.
Camp Evergreen exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to grow kids and youth - spiritually, mentally, socially, physically, wholly - cultivating confidence, facilitating courage, and equipping leaders among our campers, guests and staff, all while having fun and using God's creation as a key tool!

Like I mentioned in the vision post, our mission statement is the "how to" statement - how are we going to achieve our vision to be a camping ministry that sees individual lives transformed by the power of Jesus? We have three basic streams of activities here at Evergreen: summer camp, guest groups and retreats.

During summer camps, our mission is played out in chapel, in cabin times, at chosen skills, open skills and during wide games. I often think of how much I learned about good news of Jesus back when I was a camper. We as staff strive to be reflections of Jesus in everything we do, we talk to Jesus, and about him, all the time, and we work to make sure that every single kid who comes to hang out with us knows that he or she is loved, capable and safe.

Guest groups fill up a huge part of our year: we host school bands, leadership teams, sports teams, boy scouts and girl guides, outdoor education classes, youth groups, Alpha groups, family reunions ... Guest groups are an important and fun part of our lives! Guest groups work with our Guest Group Manager to shape their own programs. Our aim to make sure that every activity we run, every meal we serve and every fireside we lead builds up and encourages our guests. One of God's great gifts to us here at Evergreen is the land we live and play on and we get to share that with our guest groups. We love to talk about why we're here, when people ask, and we're thrilled when guest group participants come back for summer camp!

When I say retreats, I mean the retreats that are planned and run by Evergreen: Rise Up (high school), the Uprising (college & careers), Rise 'n Shine (junior high), Ladies' Retreat, Fathers' & Sons' Retreat and our three family camps. Retreats are mini-camps and they're weekends of crazy fun and intense focus on our relationships with God. I love them. I love seeing youth groups grow stronger bonds during the junior and senior high retreats. I love it when former staff show up to the Uprising. I love seeing the moms/aunts/grandmas getting their camp time during Ladies' Retreat (and who are we kidding? Ladies' Retreat is kind of my demographic). I'm excited to see our first Fathers' & Sons' Retreat this June. I love our families who come to family camp.


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