rise 'n shine // january 15-17

rise 'n shine 2010 is underway.

ten churches. 130 kids.

we started with chapel.
our speaker is brody jespersen from lethbridge;
our band is a crew from gem MB, led by kyle dyck.

then, coffee house (which was really a browniesandicecream house).
theme: famous pairs.

arlen and jackson interpret the sedin twins while nathan and graham bring us spock and kirk.

rachel and trina are salty; eric and chelsey are a pair of runners (get it? get it?); aimee and jyle are mario and luigi.

cheese & crackers from southwood united (crazed expressions seemed to be a key feature of the evening -- see the sundin twins for further proof).

how many balloons can you stuff in YOUR longjohns?


Erin said…
sedin! not sundin. kerry. This is an insult to my team...

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