the uprising - november 6-8, 2009

Troy Taylor. BCBU. Simon Hoskyn. Dutch Blitz, trail rides, inductive Bible Study, cinnamon buns, new tee-shirts, new friends, old friends.

The Uprising is our College & Careers retreat -- we had about 40 retreaters and volunteerers and musicalplayers here for two nights and it was great fun!

Troy Taylor, our speaker, is the IVCF staff at the University of Lethbridge. He spoke about what it means to stand for Christ, using Paul's conversations with the people of Athens in Acts 17, as a model. We talked about providing an applicable and appropriate response to others' questions and situations; we talked about trustiworthiness (note to self - telling Courtney that rugby isn't a real sport is a quick way to lose her trust); we talked about what it means to be compelling by believing what we say and drawing people into the next step; and about giving honour to where people are at. Stand up!

"Find places where your great joy intersects with the world's great need."
- James Penner, talking about vocation, as quoted by Troy.

Ben, Joe, Spencer and David (aka, the Bethany College Beat Unit / BCBU) drove all the way out from Hepburn, Saskatchewan to lead us in worship-through-music, and they were fantastic. (And of course, we miss Ben, so it was great to have him back for a weekend!)

Simon Hoskyn, a ridiculously amazing singer-songwriter from Edmonton, came out and did a show on Saturday night. To explain how great Simon is, I will tell you a little story. I (Kerry) primarily listen to music that would be categorized as folk, indie, indie rock, folk rock, Amy Grant and various other permuations of the folk/indie/rock genres; Erin prefers to listen primarily to genres opposing my favourites, all while making fun of me for my music tastes. So, when I said, "hey, this really great singer-songwriter named Simon is going to do a show at the Uprising", Erin's response was more than skeptical (something along the lines of, "ew, you're wrong; I hate folk music"). HOWEVER, defying the odds, even Erin was completely won over by Simon's songs and voice and guitar. He freely admitted to me that he was wrong and that Simon was great. I believe the cliche is "eating crow"? Anyway, it was great show. Listen to Simon, y'all.

And now, a photo essay.

It's Session Time!
Left: Troy Taylor, Right: Spencer, Joe and David getting ready to lead worship through music.

BCBU Bassist Joe leaps, just because he can.

It's the Challenge Course!

The barn was a popular locale for the paparazzi.
Top Left: Kim, Elishia, and Julia are ready to wrangle, Top Right: David, Spencer, Trenton and Joe are soooo excited to ride.
Centre: Spencer says "hi" to a horse.

Bottom Left: Trailriders are instructed for safety, Bottom Right: the line.


posted by kerry.


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