Talking Tuesday - Courtney Armstrong


Hey there,

Last week I wrote about the rain that has started to fall, and let me tell you, it sure has continued! The mud has continued to accumulate and we are looking forward to sunny days to dry it up - but for now we thank the Lord for the rain that our pastures definitely need! 

Today, we're continuing our Talking Tuesday Series when we take some time to introduce you to the people that keep Camp running all year long. So, grab your hot beverage of choice, take a seat, and get to know our Executive Director, Courtney Armstrong:

How long have you worked at/been connected camp? 

I have never been a camper at Evergreen but I have been connected with Evergreen since 1999. I worked five summers as a spring/summer staff (wrangler, out-trips director, Head Cabin Leader, Assistant Program Director) then I started working in January 2005 as a permanent staff member. This summer will be my 21st summer at Evergreen.

How long have you been in your current position? 

Since January 1st 2021! But seven month as Interim Executive Director!

What did you do before coming to Camp?

I started working for Evergreen right out of High School and worked at Evergreen when I wasn't at university (Trinity Western/U of Lethbridge). I started working full time at camp once I finished my Bsc in Kinesiology degree.

What is your favourite thing about Camp ministry?

I love working with and developing leadership skills in young adults. That's my almost ultimate favourite thing. My next one is that camp is a place like no other where people, regardless of their age, can be silly, wacky, adventurous, weird and still be accepted for who they are. Adults can experience child-like joy again and kids are safe to take risks, learn skills without fear of failure, and to experience being brave.But my favourite thing? That people, regardless of ever having walked through the door of a church, are comfortable and excited about coming to camp and that we have the amazing privilege of sharing and showing who Jesus Christ is to them.

Why is Camp Ministry important to you? 

I turned a significant corner in my life because of camp. When I was in Jr. High, I was in a midst of a 4 year journey with my parents separating to both being remarried and I found myself so angry that I had to experience it. I had a counsellor that simply walked with me as I raged, yelled, cried, and just tried to get everything that was going on inside outside. That Cabin Leader stayed with me, didn't offer me any simple "Christian" solutions - just sat with me in my sadness and anger. She just reminded me that I wasn't alone, that I'm never alone. She showed me who Jesus is. I had grown up in Christian home but that week when I was 13 years old I really recognized Jesus in my leader. From that moment on, I decided if I could be that person to one person, it would be enough for me. That week, I committed to following Jesus wherever He would take me in life. 

How have you seen the Lord work at Camp throughout Covid-19? 

There is a big long answer to this one...but I'll sum up saying that God is faithful. We've started talking about holding things here at camp with open hands. It's a bit of a prayer in that we do not (cannot) claim to own any part of what we think camp is. From Evergreen To-Go, Wholehearted Camping, and our Fall Fundraiser - every time we go into a "new thing" and ask God to do something with it, He blows it up into something bigger. From 1600 people coming through camp for Wholehearted Camping (60% of those people had never heard of us or been to camp before) to even this last announcement saying that Alberta is back to Step 1. The very next day we get news that we have received ANOTHER grant to give food away to people who need it. God shows up. God has been showing up for as long as people have walked this earth but for me, this pandemic has really made me start paying attention to where and how God has been showing up at camp and it's awesome.

What is one thing you would want to tell any future camp staff? 

Well first off, everyone should try working at camp atleast one spring/summer after they graduate high school. It's seriously life-changing. It's exhausting, fulfilling, transformative, and life-changing. But I would also tell them to hold everything with open hands including how they see themselves, their gifts, their strengths and weaknesses, their time, money, all of it. If you can live like that and allow God to shape and mold you, to add and even remove things - God is going to do more through you than you could ever imagine. It takes immense trust and vulnerability but it's worth it (atleast I think it is...God's not done with me yet).

Thanks Courtney!

Be sure to check out what we've got going on at Camp by visiting
/events-and-retreats. Our Tough Camper fundraiser is back this year and happening on June 12th - be sure to register soon!

That's all for me today! If there is any way we can be praying for you, please don't hesitate to reach out with an email to and our permanent staff team will be more than happy to be praying for you.


Sarah 'Doodle' Deschatelets
Hospitality Director
Camp Evergreen


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