One year of Covid-19

Hey friends!

I am so excited to start this new adventure of writing for the Green Spot Blog! I say 'adventure' because that is exactly what it's going be - it might even get messy and be all over the place, so thank you in advance for trudging along with me!

Today marks one year since WHO declared a global pandemic. Over the past year, camp has had to change in so many ways, and just like the rest of the world, pivoting has become our theme! With every changing regulation, we have had to re-evaluate our plans and make changes - some more drastic than others. We've had long stretches of not being able to have guests on site and we've had to grieve the loss of Summer camps. This has been a wild year, folks, but that's not really what this is about - this post is a deep dive, nose first look at what the Almighty God has done at Camp Evergreen over the past year. This pandemic has not surprised Him and it has definitely not stopped His work. So, sit with me a moment and let your heart be encouraged by what the Lord has done at camp:

  • With the loss of all our guest groups in the Spring of 2020, God made a way for Evergreen-to-go to become a reality and a route of provision for camp. Not only did Evergreen-to-go help us make ends meet, but we were able to bless so many families in need with meals.
  • The cancellation of Summer camps for 2020 left us grieving but it became a platform for Wholehearted Camping. This alternate programming meant hundreds of people coming to camp for the first time and having the opportunity to hear the Gospel and see Christ at work in lives around them. So many other families familiar to camp also came and were able to enjoy our site and ministry together as a whole unit.
  • We, as an organization, have been stretched outside of our comfort zone and we are better for it. We have had to get creative, change plans quickly, and reach out to different demographics of people than we have worked with in the past. We have gotten to minister more closely to family units instead of individuals. We have had to make things work with limited funds are our maintenance department has continuously blown us away with the things they can fix with what we already have on site.
  • We had the opportunity to run a virtual fundraiser and brought in more money than we have ever seen with one fundraiser (about $140,000). In a whole new way, we have been encouraged by those who support camp financially, with their time, and with their prayers. We were reminded even deeper that no man is an island and neither is camp; we need our people and we are so thankful for each and every one of you.
These are just a few ways that we have seen the Lord work at Camp throughout the past year. Talk to any one of us who are working out here and I know we would be able to tell you so many other ways we've seen God work. I know that it's easy to get so discouraged in the crazy time, but take heart! God was not surprised by Covid-19 and He isn't backing down - He is mighty and He is working!

If we can be praying for you in any way, please reach out by sending an email to and our management team will be more than happy to be praying for you!


Sarah 'Doodle' Deschatelets
Hospitality Director
Camp Evergreen


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