Don't Forget...

I think sometimes September is the month of "don't forgets".

Don't forget your notebook.
Don't forget your lunch.
Don't forget your gym clothes.
Don't forget to check your class schedule.
Don't forget your locker code.

I was watching the staff this last weekend as we served a large Guest Group. Each week seems little more busy than the last.  There's a lot of things to remind the staff as we welcome a new group on-site. There's a lot of...

Don't forget to check your schedule.
Don't forget to turn off the dishwasher.
Don't forget to grab the activity binder.
Don't forget the keys to the challenge course.
Don't forget the code to the Playing Field Shed.
Don't forget to check in with the Kitchen.

That's a lot of remembering. It doesn't matter if you're a student at high school, college, or university - it doesn't matter if you're a staff member at Camp Evergreen. September is full of things to remember and new routines to settle into.

In all of that...are we remembering the important stuff? Like the things we learned at camp about being a light? About how to shine our light brightly? I think that's the tough part about switching seasons...there's so much to do, we get so busy, and what really does matter sometimes gets pushed down the list of priorities.

Remember when we learned that God loves us, that He designed us for purpose, and that He wants you to shine your light.

Remember that for a moment...

I had a coach in university that changed that old adage of "Practice makes perfect". He would tell us, instead, that "Practice makes permanent". What you intentionally do every day, what you make a priority over and over again will become habit and those habits cause change in not only you, but those around you. In this month of trying to remember everything you need to get done - make a plan to make permanent the things you learned at camp this summer.

To read your Bible and spend time talking to God.
To share your faith with those around you, showing love to everyone.
To be a light. To shine God's light. To be that city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Have a great week!
.: Jogee :.


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