From one Camp Parent to another...
Dear Parents, From one Camp Parent to another...welcome to the family. Summer Camp. Two little words that can strike you with joy and fear at the same time. Whether it was your child's idea to go to camp or your own idea ( while making them think it was their idea ), you are about to experience an emotional rollercoaster. The fear part is usually belongs to us: Will my kid have fun and make new friends? Will he eat more than just a bag of Skittles every day?! Will he be cared for and stay safe without me? Will he learn new things? WILL HE BRUSH HIS TEETH, REMEMBER TO SHOWER, AND CHANGE HIS UNDERWEAR ( Please, just once in the week) ?!? Let me fill you in on the answers that I've learned to these questions... It's hard not to. Actually, nearly impossible. Possibly. Definitely. Yes, although not always as you would expect. Um...Probably not...Well, maybe once on the last day when you come to pick him up. I'd recommend keeping the windows...