Making a Way

This is the best day of my life - I love camp, I JUST LOVE CAMP!! 

Those are familiar words at camp - kids living in the moment at camp. Each day is filled with new adventures - from rescuing princesses in towers (staff on top of the climbing wall) to stopping the cookie thieves on horseback or rounding up dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Camp creates a world like no other - opening doors of imagination and wonder. If that wasn't enough - the food is amazing (not as amazing as your mum's, of course) and the staff are like superheroes.

For some campers, a week at camp represents more than the games and activities - one camper describes camp as their "home away from home. It's impossible to come to camp and not make friends". It also offers a place to learn about the Creator of the world in a safe place. To learn who Jesus is and how much each of us are loved by Him. 

An application from one of our Interns this year said that every person should get to experience a summer at camp - that it is the best way to spend your summer. 

We would absolutely agree.

But it's not always that easy. There are a lot of things that stand in the way of kids and camp. Finances often stands in the way between kids and camp. We don't ever want to see that happen. Our Campership Aid program is designed to help families afford to send their kids to camp - because we believe it's important and we're not the only ones.

Churches and individuals from across the province also believe it's important. This last summer $17,000 was spent through our Campership Aid program - all of that money going towards getting kids, who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it, to camp. That money is raised or donated through a couple of ways: Pancake Breakfasts (Linden MB and Lendrum MB), offerings collected during Closing Chapel during the summer, and individuals who believe in the value of camp. These people are making a way for campers to get to camp.

So we just want to say thank you. THANK YOU! Thank you to every family, every person, and each church who support the Campership Aid program each year. Your donations are providing experiences of a lifetime - a camper's best day of their life

Much love and thank you again for making a way!


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