“What a Lovely Winter We're Having This Spring!”

I love winter!”, “No. Be quiet! I hate the cold!“, “Look at all the snow – so beautiful!”, “Oh, I just want to drive on safe, snow-free roads again.” Hearing such comments is nothing special these days – not at Camp Evergreen either. Both sides think the other ones are just crazy. Even one week into the official spring, there is so much new snow and it doesn't seem to stop. So who's right
now? Who's opinion should we join? I want to look at this phenomenon from a German point of view today.

Among us 5 Germans the opinions concerning the snow and the winter differ a
lot. Some of us would like the winter to continue for another two months. Just
because falling into untouched snow is a wonderful feeling; am I right Felix? Moreover, as soon as the cold and the snow stops the world here turns into one
big muddy pool. Is that better? Just think of your footwear: winter boots are so  much more comfortable than those stiff plastic rubber boots that make you sweat a lot. And in the end, isn't this why we came to Canada – to experience a great, long and snowy winter?

But then there is the other side of the coin. And let's be honest, that's probably the majority of us Germans speaking here. After 5 month of snow shovelling and seeing a white coat on top of the landscape every single day, it's time for a change. We are not used to such a long period of winter. Maybe seeing 'white' for such a long time even harms our eyes so that we're not able to see as many colors as we saw before. Who knows? There's another thing. Just to let you know: Back home in Germany our fellows didn't even see a single flake of snow this winter. It was too warm. That's the other extreme. But when you see pictures of your friends walking around in shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses, soaking in the sun that shines brightly and enjoying 15 to 20°C. That's the point where you become really jealous.

Despite of all the more or less serious arguments above I think back in November everyone was happy that Mr. Winter came and visited us. But that he
decided to stay 5 month and still blocks the door for Ms. Spring, I think that's pretty rude. I'm really looking forward for him to leave now. My statement against the winter are little crampons for my crutches. I armed myself with these guys to prevent embarrassing wipeouts with my broken leg. So please, Winter, move as soon as possible, or I'll come after you with my spikes!

Sebastian & his crampons

But dear Albertans,
there's always light at the end of the tunnel and the sunny seasons will come - Keep your head up and don't give up hope! Oh, by the way, 'hope' is a good cue. If there is hope, then there are also smiles on people's faces. This one might bring it onto your face:

Hope to see you at Camp this Summer! 
Stay Warm,


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