dinner in calgary!

We held a super fun dinner in Calgary on October 15, raising funds for Camp Evergreen. It was a great night. Our host, Don Cherry (also known as Gery Schubert, the man of a thousand voices, a hundred faces and at least 12 wigs ... www.geryschubert.com), took us on a great hockey adventure. We feasted on a sumptuous meal, prepared by Ken and Lacey, of pork, roasted potatoes, green beans, homemade cherry chutney and blondies.

We raised $15,901!
... which is fantastic, and it marks growth from last year's event!

A gigantic thank you to everyone who joined us for dinner, participated by sending people to the penalty box, and everyone who donated. We are so grateful to you!

Our silent auction donors:
Andrew & Lisa Baerg * Carla Brown (Signature Homestyles)
Gery Schubert * Ken & Esther Epp * Natasha Lawyer
Olds Golf Course * Rayna & Maddison
Richard Baerg (Richard's Signature Picture Framing)
Ron Evans * Rosebud Theatre
Sharon Evans * Slaves for a Day: Jasper & Emily
Starbucks Northland Plaza (Aimee Bontje)
and our anonymous donors!

I should also note that we had some amazing volunteers. I think Joel D. washed dishes for six straight hours. Thank you to Bradley J., Carissa E., Erin D., Evan C., Graham D., Joel D., Rachel S., Rachel U., Reilly M., and Sho O.: you guys were fantastic and we appreciate you!

And, we'll leave you with the Frozen River Dance, featuring Richard, Dennis, Mel, Don Cherry and I don't know the fifth dancer's name (sorry!):


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