father & son retreat: it's a wrap!

Father & Son Retreat, two weekends ago, was super fun! Our speaker was Rob Holland and everyone really enjoyed him. I know this because I read the evaluations and the fathers who evaluated shared resounding appreciation of the message Rob shared. (As I am neither a father nor a son, I didn't attend chapel ... so I can't report in further details. Maybe someone will leave a comment?)

The fathers and sons also reported that they appreciated the time they were able to spend to together, and the opportunity to "get back to the basics".

Our staff had lots of fun too. We're already looking forward to next year (you can mark it in your calendars: June 8-10, 2012).

Bottle rockets!

Bottle rockets were the funnnnnnest. Hiiiiyah!

Jasper is now a wrangler. Sometimes. Contrary to tale told by the full out wrangler jacket (slicker? is that what they're called?), it was very nice day on Saturday!

We're 64% sure Owen has a future as a jockey. Good form, right?

The Challenge Course is always challengingly amazingly fun.

Fathers & sons rocked it at the climbing wall.

The one downer? Mosquitos. So. Many. Mosquitos. Eli shows off his "the mosquitos are coming! the mosquitos are coming" response.


Alyssa Neudorf said…
Hmmm I think I may need to go buy some diet coke and some mentos....hmmmm.
Camp in 18 Days!

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