and the building begins ...

Waaay back in 2009, we started on the Cabin Fever! project. Our cabins, if you've stayed in them, are kind of ... old. It was time to do something about that! Move into the modern age!

It's taken a while to get to the place where we can start building, but now, as the proud owners of a Development Permit and a Building Permit, and cabin plans that have been blessed* by our Health Inspector, we are ready to roll!

You'll be hearing fundraising requests from us in the coming weeks and months; we currently have just over $90,000 in the bank and in commitments to the project.

In the past couple of weeks, Dave has prepped the sites for the first four cabins -- clearing trees, leveling the sites and having the pilings put in. We'll be building in three phases, or four cabins at a time.

The cabins won't be ready for this summer. Now that we're actually building, and as long as the funding we require keeps flowing in, we expect that to finish all twelve cabins, it will take us about two years. So, some of you will stay in new cabins in 2012. Everyone should be in the new cabins in 2013 (but I reserve the right to revise my timelines!

I'm going to try really hard to blog the progress, and to post pictures on Camp Evergreen's facebook page regularly (become a fan of us on facebook!)

So, to begin ...

Here's the site for the first cabin. It's right by the outdoor washrooms and the Activity Centre and it will be one of our wheelchair accessible cabins:

In among the trees (I'm sorry ... it's really hard to take exciting photos of empty spots in the forest) is where the second, third and fourth cabins will go in (behind the outdoor bathrooms, sort of facing cabins 8-11).

And, a gravel delivery to help level the sites:

* "Blessing" might not be the technical term for a Health Inspector's role in the building planning process, but you know what I mean, right?


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