May 2011 Update

Prayer Requests & Praise Items
  • It came down to the wire, but as is his way, God provided the staff we need for our May and June team! We're looking forward to a great spring, having lots of fun as we serve together! If you'd pray for Abby, Becca L., Becca M., Chelsea, Cody, Colter, Emily, Erin, Evan, Jasper, Joel, Julia, Kathrin, Luke, Reilly, Sarah, Stephanie and Taylor as they serve here at Evergreen over the next four months, we'd be most grateful!
  • Please pray for us as we seek to raise the funds we need to operate successfully – and that God will guide our financial decision-making.
  • We have guest groups on site almost every single day in May and June. Please pray with us that we can be salt and light in the lives of every student and guest who steps on our site in the next two months.
Upcoming Events
Fundraising Concert, Edmonton – 7PM, May 13, 2011
With Vicky Berg & Simon Hoskyn, at Sunrise Church (map). Tickets are $10 at the door.

Fundraising Concert, Calgary
– 7PM, May 14, 2011
With Alexander McInnes & Vicky Berg, at Dalhousie Church (map). Tickets are $10 at the door.

Father & Sons' Retreat
– June 3-5, 2011

Financial Update

March 1 - April 30, 2011



General Donations



The United Way of Central Alberta is no longer able to provide funding for our Campership Aid program due to a realignment of their funding priorities. That means we're going to need your support for Campership Aid more than ever this year! Campership Aid subsidizes the cost of camp for families who find camp fees unaffordable. Our goal is to never turn away a potential camper because they can't afford the cost of camp.

If you have questions about our finances, would like a copy of our 2011/12 budget, or would like a more complete financial update, please contact Kerry at 403.638.4230 or We're always happy to answer your questions!

Cabin Fever! Update
We've been clearing the sites for the first four cabins and the screwpilings for these first four will be going in, in mid-May! We'll be sure to post pictures on the blog as this work gets underway ... stay tuned!

You can also check out our April 2011 Green Space Newsletter for more information about what's going on at Evergreen.


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