rise up 2010

Four score and twenty years ago (or, five weeks ago, actually), we had our 2010 Rise Up! What is Rise Up? It's our annual Senior High retreat, of course! It was lotslotslots of fun: so much fun that I've only now recovered enough to blog about it! We had 96 youth here, along 30 youth leaders, from nine churches (I think nine? Gem, Linden, River West, New Hope, Highland, Dalhousie, Bergen, Southwood, Crestwood. Am I missing anyone?)

Our speaker was Seth Franco. Seth is an old friend here at Evergreen, having spoken at previous Rise Up retreats -- last in 2007. Seth talked about what it means to give all that we are and all that we have to Christ. It was good stuff ... challenging!

Jill Hagen and her band came out to lead the worship through music.

And we had lots of fun hanging out, doing activities, playing Bomb the Burning, eating bacon, getting to know folks from other churches and communities. Good times, good times!


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