review: garage sale in edmonton (or, good times in the sun).

At the beginning of June, at the same time as the fantastical Fathers & Sons Retreat (I can't decide ... should it be "Father & Son Retreat"? "Fathers' & Sons' Retreat"? Fathers & Sons' Retreat"?), a couple of us (Kerry, Trenton, Jenny) headed up to Edmonton to run a garage sale as a fundraiser for the camp. We were joined by Bethany, an Edmonton-based friend of Evergreen, and we spend two days in the hot, hot sun at River West Christian Church (who had kindly donated its parking lot to our cause).

We had some great donations (an organ! a dog ramp! a dogloo! a turkey fryer! great outdoors stuff!) and we did okay. I have ideas for how to run more successful fundraising garage sales in the future. Anyway, some pictures:


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