carey is a spring staffer.
Name: Carey Viejou Hometown: Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Where we'll find her this spring & summer: In the kitchen, inevitably covered in cocoa powder. How many years she's been coming to Evergreen: Ten. Eight as a camper; two as staff. Three favourites: 1. Nineteenth century literature. 2. Thunderstorms at night. 3. John Mayer. Three not-so-favourites: 1. Lint traps. 2. Spelling mistakes (the other Kerry takes advantage of this not-so-favourite when she has newsletters needing a proof-reader). 3. Large animals. Best camp memory: I loved leading devotions and praying with campers during my first summer as a cabin leader. Those times showed me that God can take our incompetence and timidity and somehow use them to reach kids. What she's most looking forward to this spring and/or summer: Ridiculous days in the kitchen that, in turn, show us how much we need to rely on God for our strength. She can't make it through the day without: The 3PM mocha. In her opinion,...