introducing ... nicole and alex

Nicole and Alex are being introduced together because they're running our AIM programs this summer. I'm pretty excited about it. They're both full of ideas and passion and general fun-ness. Nicole and Alex are going to be an excellent AIM team.

Also, Nicole's first summer as a camper at Evergreen was my (Kerry's) first summer as a cabin leader and she was in my first cabin ever. I've posted pictures of that summer in the lodge and the Welcome Centre. You'll have to look for them when you're here. Or maybe I'll post one here, too.

hometown | Calgary for Alex and Airdrie for Nicole (A-town represent!).

favourite band
| Alex's favourites are Coldplay and Anberlin; Nicole's faves are Coldplay and "about fifty others ... feel free to ask me sometime".

favourite book
| Nicole appreciates The Wars. Alex is a fan of The Shack.

favourite movie or tv show
| Nicole says, "As for movies, far too many to count. Once again, feel free to chat with me about it. Television shows? One phrase: The Big Bang Theory". Alex elects the Lord of the Rings Trilogy for movies and Smallville on TV.

best camp memory | Alex fondly recalls "teaming up with Rob Unruh in Jug 'n Jog and dominating", while Nicole says it's obviously having Kerry as her cabin leader. Just kidding. Nicole actually said, "probably the weekend trips we took during CIT as well as my week on Adventure Classic last year".

favourite thing(s) to do at camp evergreen | Nicole says, "playing wide games, working in the kitchen with Ken, doing some archery and of course, participating in chapel". Alex's faves are games, especially "Jug 'n Jog, Capture the Flag and such games".

favourite skill to teach | Alex likes to lead sports "... cuz they are super fun and easy to understand." For Nicole, it's "archery all the way! I guess I love it because I competed when I was a youngin' and enjoy teaching it to all the sweet people that pass through".

favourite bits in the Bible | Nicole is fond of 1 John. Alex likes Romans 12.

how many years i've been coming to evergreen | This is Nicole's 11th summer at Evergreen. Alex has been around, on and off, for four or five years.

something i love to do when i'm not working is ... |
Alex likes sleeping, playing cards and playing Take Two; Nicole likes "being active (bike riding, running, what have you), watching movies and reading".

anything else you'd like to say, alex? |
"I want to meet everyone!"

and nicole? | "Just that handlebar moustaches are [not my favourite things] and Transformers are, and forever will be, legit."


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