ladies' retreat: the review

Ladies' Retreat was amazing! I have to admit that I was bit nervous beforehand: we had seventy ladies out -- usually, we have closer to 35. But, since I've just finished reading the evals, I can tell you that they had just as much fun as we did, hosting them! It was a great weekend and here's why ...

First of all, and most excitingly, we're celebrating along with the five women who accepted Jesus this weekend: if you're reading this, ladies, we're praying for you!

Donna Carter shared her story us, as well as some of the smart things women can do as we seek to live in relationship with God.

We had the zipline open for a couple of hours and it appears that it's just as popular among adults as it is among kids ... although I think the ladies are bigger screamers than most of the kids who take the jump! Here are some of the Dalhousie ladies:

Colleen (our Office Manager) and Lennie took some time to enjoy the hot tub. (And apparently my mom joined them later on and told embarrassing stories about me -- thanks, Mom!)

The ladies who were lucky enough to secure a spot in Ken's cooking class made the most delicious pita bread, guacamole, hummus and bruschetta (okay, so I don't know that the bruschetta was delicious: I'm anti-tomato and therefore didn't give it a try but the rest of it? Delicious!).

Naomi from Servants Anonymous joined us for most of Saturday afternoon, with tables of beautiful jewellery, scarves, toques and shoulder bags made by Nepalese women who have escaped sexual slavery. Handcrafts are an economic alternative to slavery for these women and purchasing their work allows it to be a viable alternative. And, as Naomi said, we can pray for the women every time we see or wear the pieces we purchased.

Finally, I must include my nepotism shot, so called because it features the ladies of River West, which is my home church. Say hello to Linda, Gillian, Sabina, Leslie (aka Mom) and Joan:

posted by kerry.


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