purple paint

kristy and julia and i spent yesterday helping out at a Habitat for Humanity house - painting closets, ceilings, the furnace room, and each other. the furnace room was the most brilliant pastel purple i have ever seen! thought you might like some of our pictures.

we've been doing a lot of classroom stuff with the Pillar team, so it was really good to go and get our hands dirty because "faith by itself, if it is not accompanies by action, is dead" (james 2:17).
we can't really say that we love Jesus if we're not out there loving people. so today - act out your love for Jesus by loving somebody around you. maybe that means doing the dishes for your mom and dad. or encouraging a friend who's down. or giving some of your money to an organization like the Mustard Seed that's trying to help people who are cold and hungry in your area. or volunteering to help out in a sunday school class. but somehow, someway - get involved somewhere. and i think you'll have more fun than you thought was possible.

in Him and through His strength,


Alyssa Neudorf said…
That is some bright paint there!
I think if my room was that colour i would die!!
arrrrrrrrrrrrrr so pruple wow i think i have seen the brightest pruple aarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr again!!!!

Alyssa Neudorf said…
I hope your eyes are ok after the pruple stuff ouch that is bright.

alyssa my youth group is calling my martha

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