Hello Fall!

We've been waiting for Fall for what seems like nearly two months now. After three weeks of snowy weather - it feels long past due. I had many days where if I thought hard enough - imagined vividly enough, I could pretend that it was April and summer was only three months away. Alas - it is not April and Summer 2019 is still a solid eight months away.

In the next week, we will be transitioning from our Fall Staff to our Winter Staff. We will say goodbye to at least half of our Seasonal Team and enter into a short  point in our year where we are all able to take a bit of a deep breath. We're still working hard to get ready for 2019: Guest Groups are still coming and going, Summer registration webforms are being updated, the website is going under construction, and events happening early on in 2019 are getting designed. Even so - there is a few moments where we're able to just...breathe...

One of my less than secret things that I love to do this time of year is to go out and get a brand new Day Planner. You A-Type people out there may know what I'm talking about. A new Day Planner, to me atleast, represents potential and an opportunity to list my important things before life takes over. There's something very exciting about the wide open space a new calendar year offers (before I start filling up all of the rest of the space with my "To Do" lists). I get excited putting the "Big Rocks" of my schedule in first so that nothing gets in the way of them. Maybe it's my vacation trips that I already know about or time with family that I want to make sure I don't want to miss.

This process always makes me pause to think about where my time with God falls into my busy schedule. Is He a "Big Rock" of my year? My month? My day? How many times do I fail to prioritize my time with God each day and find myself too tired, too busy, or too....

Psalm 90:14 says: Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

When the schedule gets going the biggest thing I forget is to make sure that I'm making time to be still. So often, I find myself trying to "carve" out time for God. Usually that involves me trying to create something from an already busy schedule. What would it look like for if we stopped carving a space out for God but started letting things fall into place AFTER we meet with God. Just imagine if all things happened after God - each day, each month, all year long. What would that look like?

Psalm 46:10: Be still and know that I am God.

Thanks for reading - and check back next week when we lay out our events for 2019 so that you can put your Camp Evergreen "Big Rocks" in your calendar (right after you schedule your God time). ;)

.: jogee :. 


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