February 2017 and new things to come...

Happy March everyone! This month has started with a bang as we hit 700 campers a few days ago. That's very close to 75% full in our camps. Every day that numbers grows and I get more and more excited about what is to come.

We're selecting our Spring Staff right now and wowzers it's going to be an amazing season!

Just a couple weeks ago - we hosted our Jr. High Retreat, Rise 'n' Shine. It was an amazing time of fellowship, worship, and learning with six youth groups from across central Alberta.

We played submarines at night, Jug 'n' Jog in the snow and all around just has a good time learning about God and our response to him.

This next year will reflect some big changes for our retreats. We're really excited to share these things with you. This Fall - we will be introducing a new kind of youth retreat here at Evergreen. It will be a giant Jr/Sr. High combined retreat that will feature workshops, main session speakers, and bigger programming. Information will be coming out in the next few months on that but you should book off September 29-October 1st, 2017 right now.

We are very excited about what this new retreat will be. We want to offer Youth Groups in Central Alberta a way to launch into their new school year and youth programs with focus and excitement to pursue what God has for them. We sincerely hope you will join us for it.

What will replace our normal February retreat? Well...this is also very, very exciting. We are launching another long-weekend Family Camp! Without the ability to expand Family Camps in the summer, we are looking back to our winter half-way point to summer and excited to inject a bit of "summer fun" to get us through those dreary winter months.

Registration for this Family Camp will open at the beginning of September.

In the next few months - there will be some very exciting things happening. Like our Spring Fundraiser which is a super fun Star Wars theme (head to our Events Page to check out the details), a brand new single day event for Daughters at the end of May, and our Father and Son Retreat happening at the beginning of June.

Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes peeled. There's lots of amazing things going on at Evergreen over the next few months and we're hoping that you'll join us.

Peace out,


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