The Evergreen Family

11 hours in a van with these three. Oh. My. Lanta.

I'm writing this to you from the west coast where Ranger, Beaver, and myself have traveled to Abbotsford to connect with our staff at Columbia Bible College and to see if there might be some new students that may be interested in coming to camp to work for the spring and summer.

It's always so much fun to watch these young people grow as adults and in their relationship with God. To watch them dig deeper into what it means to be a Christian in a world that is rapidly changing. Each of these staff members mean so much to us at camp - whether they

started attending when they were five years old, worked one summer or seven (right Sho and Sarah?), each one, in their own way, becomes one of my kids.

From attending weddings, graduations, to farewells at the airport as they leave on full-time missions - we love having them be part of our Evergreen family. I always enjoy meeting one of our alumnus and listening to their own personal story of transformation while at camp. Just this last week, I had the chance to visit with a staff member who worked at Evergreen in 1995. He shared about how camp has played an integral part in his and his family's lives.

There are always a lot of laughs with this crew.
Our staff are the hands and feet to seeing our mission to see Lives Transoformed by the Power of Jesus. Words often seem insufficient when it comes to explaining the amazing work these young people do every summer. Mums and Dads - hear me when I tell you that there is no greater job in the world than telling a person about the life-changing grace and love of our savior, Jesus Christ. And the young people who come to work at our camp and countless other camps across Canada are doing just that - telling the next generation the praise-worthy deeds of our Lord. It often comes at a cost too. Many of them have to take a huge risk financially to choose to work at camp over making more money at another job.

There are a few ways that you can help partner with camp as we look to the coming spring and summer at camp:

Pray - you can pray with and for us. Our camps are filling fast. Which is amazing! God is preparing the harvest. And we know, in faith, that He will also provide the workers for the harvest. Pray that the people He is preparing hear His call and answer. Pray that they will be ready and willing to share His gospel with our campers this summer.
Our CBC staff out to supper with us.

Volunteer - It takes a lot of hands and people to make camp work in the summer. Often it takes as many one or two week volunteers as it does full spring or summer staff members. Can you volunteer a week on maintenance, the kitchen, or as a nurse? Maybe you're a teacher and you have the summer off - would you consider coming to join us to lead activities? The more volunteers we have - the better we can support these young workers in their work.

Financial Support - Would you be willing to financially make a way for a staff member to work at camp this summer. Whether that's a donation through our entrust program or simply easing the cost of tuition - is there a way you could support one of the many staff members who work at camp.

Thanks for tuning in!


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