
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Impact of Camp

I had a bit longer of a blog written and decided to delete it because something a camper wrote in a Pit Crew application is better than anything I could say today. Pit Crew is part of our Junior Staff program. It's the first program you can go into (grade 9,10) to train to be staff here at Evergreen. It's a two week program where campers learn what it means to follow Jesus, to be a servant, and to start experiencing and serving camp from behind the program. Signing up for Pit Crew (and Internships) is more than just a registration form for parents to fill out. There's an application where we ask about the camper's testimony of faith and why they are wanting to be part of our Junior Staff program. Here's how one applicant responded in their 2016 application: "When I was in grade 6, my friend told me about this camp that he heard from his friend called Camp Evergreen. We asked our parents to sign us up, and they did. I had no idea who Jesus was or God. I he...

Pond Hockey Awesome!

As you may have noticed on our Facebook Page - this last Saturday was our annual Pond Hockey Fundraiser and let me be the first (well, I'm probably not actually the first) to say that it was an amazing day! Nine teams signed up for the day - all prepared to win the coveted Golden Skate trophy. Teams came to us from Sundre, Edmonton, and Calgary. We even had some "free agents" sign up for the day to be placed on some teams that needed some extra legs. The day started out at 9am with some pretty frigid temperatures. -24C to be exact. At this temperature...not much works (like us humans!). Not even the ice. Our Ice Maintenance teams were quick at work trying to patch large cracks in the ice from it being too brittle. The "Quadbonie" team on Rink 2 and our Ice Maintenance Rink 1 team worked hard to make sure the ice was as good as we could make it. We kept trucking, patching, and playing and with each game - the temperature rose about 4 or 5 degrees. Before ...