Change is in the air!

Don't worry! This hasn't happened...yet.
Isn't that the truth! As we see pictures of Lake Louise or Banff getting inches of the white stuff - most of us east of the Foothills are just waiting with bated (or cringing) breath for the onslaught of winter. Whether that excites you or causes that ball of dreaded disappointment deep inside (can you tell which one I am?), it doesn't change the fact that winter is coming and regardless of how each of us feels - it means a lot of change.

Changing tires on our cars.
Changing wardrobes (winter jackets and pants out - tanks and shorts away).
Changing shoes (I get to pull out my snowshoes).
Changing decorations.
Changing those cute little mini-hidey socks in Toms and Sanuks to thick wool ones.
Changing furnace filters (our Maintenance guys are always on top of this one).
Changing basketball pads (to HOCKEY RINKS!).
Changing porch brooms to shovels.
Changing clocks back.

This is quite "normal" for this Fall Team!
And one more that is a little more difficult for us here at Camp Evergreen: changing our Staff Team. Yesterday we said goodbye to our Fall Staff. A staff team that had us giggling in line and out on activities. This particular staff team never seemed to stop moving. It was very fun to watch them work and interact with our groups. They gave non-stop love and attention to each group and the results were evident.

Group evaluations consistently read about how they could really tell that there was something different about us. One of our most recent Guest Groups says that "there is a tremendous attitude of service here that is seen in the staff. Jesus' life is clearly seen". It's so amazing to watch our young adult staff work with our groups - to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

And it's not always the Fall Staff acting crazy.
Can you see Ken in the back row?
In September and October we saw approximately 2150 people come through Evergreen. 2-1-5-0. That's crazy. That's 2150 people that these amazing young people served in activities, food lines, bathroom cleanings, we just wanted to take a moment to recognize this Fall Staff Team and say thank you. A really big THANK YOU!

As each one leaves - we'll be praying that God continues to lead them on their next adventure.

And us? Our next adventure starts today as the winter season settles in. Stay tuned to find out how we keep busy here and where Evergreen is going next...we may just be coming to a church nearby.

Until next time,


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