...we needed to take a breather...
Haven't you ever felt like that? Like you needed to take a moment and just breathe? That's what this last week has been for us - a big ol' deep breath after Impact. We've been so busy taking that deep breath that we weren't able to get the blog update about Impact up. Have no fear! We're back and will be posting on a (nearly) weekly basis. Impact was a great week. It's such a fun way to end the summer for our staff - also - I don't know how our staff would survive another week after the crazy night programming each day. We had two night games, a drive in movie night, a worship night and then topped it all off with our annual skit night, Homemade Jam. The week was full of shinanigans (in the best way possible) and it was a great group of kids which just makes the week for staff and camper alike. The weather behaved for about half the week...we got BEAUTIFUL weather for our creek party and field BBQ day and then it got rainy...and then it got really...