Charging into a New Camp
Oh man... It has been a long time since we talked! How have you been? We've been great out here at camp - weeks are just flying by. It only seemed like a moment ago we were starting camps off and then wham! It's already the second to last week of the summer. I wanted to bring attention to one of our new programs this summer: Charge. It's a new out-trip that we're offering that is based out at our brand new Paintball Range. Who better to tell you about their first Charge experience than our Charge leader, Dylan: This year marked our first ever Charge camp here at Evergreen! It was amazing! For those of you who don’t know, Charge is an all guys Out-Trip camp with a focus on Jesus, teamwork, brotherhood, perseverance, courage, and other manly-type things. We teach these things using the wonderful and colourful game of paintball! For myself, it was an unbelievable experience! This being the first year we have ever had an Out-Trip solely dedicated to pa...