2014 AGM

Saturday, June 28 was a great day for an AGM. If we could emphasize one thing, it would be the need for our society members. We can not, nor do we want to minister on our own. Our members are an integral part of the ministry here at Evergreen. We value your input, we covet your prayers and we need your support. We would encourage you already to put June 27, 2015 aside and join us.

Highlights of this years AGM were two of our staff members sharing. Felix from Germany was quite animated as he shared about his experience this past year. Sarah shared about how Evergreen has been part of her faith walk over the last 14 years. Eight as a camper and six as a staff member.

After a financial update our board was affirmed and several members were elected. Your 2014/15 board is made up of, Andrew Baerg, Alex Fay, Marni Hatch, Cody Hoffman, Barry Langendoen, Bob Thiessen, Keith Thiessen and Kevin Thiessen. We appreciate their commitment to Evergreen and desire to serve.

The board has been working on a plan for the next fifty years. Our facilities have served us well, but as we look to the future with the goal of seeing more lives transformed by Jesus we will need to make some major changes. As mentioned in our latest Green Space our dining hall is over full, and we're having trouble finding enough room to sleep all our campers and staff. We shared a short video and then divided into small groups to discuss some rough concepts. The board will be working hard over the next year to bring a complete plan forward.

 Alex Fay

We had an Open House in the afternoon where we opened up our activities and invited our trades, suppliers and neighbours to see what Evergreen is about. The weather was perfect and the day ended with a great BBQ. Thanks Ken! 

 Ken and Nate

The final highlight of the day was our Cabin Fever ribbon cutting in the afternoon. All ten new cabins are being used this summer and what a blessing that is. A HUGE thank you to all who have participated in one way or another. Without the support we received the cabins would not be finished. These cabins are full most weeks this summer and allow us to reach more campers with less staff.

 Kevin and Kurt having the cutting honour!

Thanks again to all who came out, we appreciate your support and ask that you would continue to keep us in your prayers this summer.


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