The Cabins March On

Despite the winter weather that has descended upon us, the cabin fever project continues to move forward.  Mennonite Disaster Service brought us to lock up stage at the end of summer.  At our Camp Evergreen Board meeting in September we decided that finishing the cabins was a top priority for next summer!  We also decided that we needed as many volunteers as possible to make this a reality. 

On November 16 we had our first work day and were able to insulate the walls.  Our seasonal staff have carried on the work during the week.  The walls and ceilings have poly.  The ceiling and bunks have been started.

Join us Saturday, December 7 as we move forward with our next Work Day.  Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. and if you would like to join us for Friday night just call camp and let us know.  We're pretty confident that by next Saturday there will be no snow.........well we're confident that there will be no snow inside the cabins! 

Here's Christoph and Kurt working on the ceiling.

Dylan and Felix attaching the top to a bunk.

Jesse getting a staining lesson from Kevin.  Looks like Jesse has been placed in charge of staining this week!  Excellent!

Josh holding up the ceiling while John tacks it in place.  We want to finish the ceiling and stain bunks this coming Saturday, December 7th.  

An uplifting picture of Sebastian.

How can you help us finish the cabins?

 - Pray that God would touch the hearts of the volunteers that we need to finish this project.

 - Pray for safety.

 - Consider donating to our Cabin Fever Fund.

 - Join us December 7 and in the new year at a Work Day.


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