March 2011 Update

Prayer Requests
☆ Please pray for our 2011 staff team. We don't have quite enough May-June staff just yet – please pray God will provide us with the right number of mature, energetic young adults who have an unquenchable drive to share the love of Christ with everyone they meet. A staff of sixteen for May and June is ideal.
☆ We had 646 campers in 2008 and 2009, 664 campers in 2010, and we're praying that we'll see about 690 campers in 2011.

Upcoming Events

Ladies' Retreat – April 15-17, 2011
Fundraising Concert, Edmonton – 7PM, May 13, 2011
With Vicky Berg & Simon Hoskyn, at Sunrise Church. Tickets are $10 at the door.
Fundraising Concert, Calgary – 7PM, May 14, 2011
With Alexander McInnes & Vicky Berg, at Dalhousie Church. Tickets are $10 at the door.
Father & Sons' Retreat – June 3-5, 2011

Financial Update

We entered our 2011/12 fiscal year on March 1. To keep maintain our operations well, we have numerous projects to complete this year – we need a few new saddles; the Activity Centre furnace is in its dying days; we continue to raise funds to replace the lodge furnaces; and more. We strive to be good stewards of our resources, while accomplishing the tasks we need to, so that we can be a ministry that blesses kids' and families' lives in a safe, fun and warm environment. And we are going to need your help again this year. Please consider supporting us as a financial donor!

If you have questions about our finances, please contact Kerry at 403.638.4230 or We're always happy to answer your questions!

Cabin Fever! Update

Our Development Permit was conditionally approved last week, pending the appeal period, which closes on March 29. Please pray that the appeal period passes without a hitch! Once the Development Permit is finalized, we'll begin site preparations and we'll have more news about the building process. Thank you for your patience and your prayers!

Board News

We would love to have 10-12 members on our board by the end of 2011. Right now, we have six members. We're particularly looking for members from Edmonton, Highland, New Hope, Sunwest, Gem and one of our Southern Alberta churches.


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