cabin fever!, pt. 1
Huzzah!* The building has commenced! Last Saturday, October 10, Kevin & Jen & kids, Andrew & Lisa & kids, Matt and Richard joined Dave in the RV sites to begin work on Cabin 1! Actually, it'll probably be Cabin 12-14 or 16, because those puppies will be the first to go. Kevin, Andrew, Richard, Matt and Dave made a good start on the cabin. Lisa, Jen and I cooked ... deliciously pre-cooked food (thanks Ken!). Andrew managed to find time to take some photos as they built, so check it out! Left: The build site, with just the skids on the ground. Right: Skids. Right: Hammer time.* Left: Land of many drills. Left: Kevin and Richard weren't cold at all (it was only -15 with the windchill, after all). Right: Fortunately, to offset the cold, a coffee break! Left: Richard and Jesse measuring. Right: The first wall is up! The second wall is up! Left: Frame of the back wall. Right: Our handsome building crew. * "Huzzah!" is actually a play on words, be...