Turkeys, mustaches and home sick children

Hello all readers of the camp-evergreen blog.
Out side the window of this office I can see kids of the grade seven to nine camp running around chasing each other. The strange thing is that about half of them have mustaches. EVEN THE GIRLS!!!
The kids strangely enjoy it and we have a good way of telling the teams apart. It minimizes cheating also.
Last week flew by it seemed as though our junior and sparky campers were only here for a few minutes and then gone. They were tons of fun.
We were sad to see them go.
A highlight for me this past week was seeing the cabin leaders, take care of the homesick kids and the ones that couldn't sleep. Reading them stories and giving them hugs and reminding them that Jesus loves them. Even though they missed their parents they could still have fun and they did.
Its hard to believe that there is only two weeks left of camp. And this week is half over.
Our speaker this week is Dale Friesen. All the way from Coaldale Alberta where, according to one of his crazy songs, there is a taco and organ stand.
He is teaching us about how we are all messed about but there is Hope because God loves us.
Another of his crazy songs says ' if God can love turkeys God can love you!!!
(cause you are a turkey...and I am one to)
That's what I'll leave you with since it is currently time to line up for chapel.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Trusting in Our God...who is mighty to save.


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