summer is going great!

hey evergreeners,

camp is going great - it's busy out here...currently we have 112 campers in Sparky and Explorer camps, 10 out on Roughin' it and 9 out on Trails Away. it's awesome. I just wanted to drop in and say that we're loving life out here.

this next weekend out welcome center gets dedicated and our fundraising events take place (Ride a thon and our golf tournement). pretty exciting times if you ask me. keep praying for us as the camp moves forward.

we've got two weeks of summer left so please pray for the kids coming and the staff that work here. they're starting to think about what their fall looks like and school and whatever else is going on for them so please pray that they will continue to focus and shine Christ to our campers.

see you later!



Anonymous said…
Its been SOOO raing these past few days. Have you been able to canoe and horseback ride? My son is currently in Sparks and I know he was looking so forward to this.
Anonymous said…
i cant sleep anymore because i am going to camp in 3 DAYS YAY MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell i am exsided. my brother is not wanting to come drop me off. But when he gets home he is going to be jumping up and down says YAY Alyssa is gone whooo whooo Ya Ya Alyssa is gone.

Can you tell he loves me?!
Well i geuss i am kinda doing the same thing.

Today i am packing for camp. on wenday i got what i needed for camp little last minite but o well.

I love the smell when you frist arrive at camp it is soooo freash. Yes the water tased funny at frist it takes about a day or two to get used to.
me i still have water from July 8th 2006 from camp. I am not drunking it thow.

I cant wait to play jug and jog and drip drip drop, Walk and talk, The game we play on friday before the bankwet. I much more.

My goal for the week at camp to to conker the clambing wall. (Note i hate hights.)
I have made it half way up the wall.

i think i am going to go skateboading now cuse sun is out for now.

Anonymous said…
Two days till camp I have a digital camera this year so I can take sooo many pics Hopefully its not raining again like last week.
Anonymous said…
I just got back from trails away. I'm camp-sick :P I'm gonna miss everyone, but at least I have their emails. Did you people know that two of the councilers this year are from New Zealand? They're Pip and Don, and they're awesome. I'm gonna miss them.
Anonymous said…
Tomorrow i am going to Camp there is no way i can sleep

peace Ally

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