autumn's beautiful
hey evergreeners! well it's almost been two weeks since rise up. i hope you're all recovered and working hard in school ... not to mention LOVING IT (yea right...right?). we're almost in october, can you believe it? i sure can't but then again we almost have summer 2007 planned and we've barely finished summer 2006. but that excites me cuz we got new names for camps, new camps, new STUFF all around. and we're just shaking down the last details for our theme. but that doesn't mean that we're not open to suggestions. if you have a suggestion for a summer theme, i'm totally open. just send it to me as a comment. ALSO - tell me what you thought of this summer's speakers. well - i'd better check out of here and go home or something. fall is definetely falling here. i love it. i think that this is the most beautiful time at camp. check out the barn in the picture. love it! have a great day, stay strong in His grip, c-bear