
Showing posts from March, 2012

kerry, andrew, dave, rolf.

Hi friends! We have a couple of staff updates for you! DIRECTOR STUFF Today is Kerry's last day in the office and Andrew Baerg will be taking over as interim director for the next while. Our Board of Directors is still looking for a new, permanent director (and Andrew is still heading up that search committee -- email him at if you want to talk about that), but Andrew's got things covered in the meantime. We'd appreciate it so much if you can pray wiht and for us as we continue the search for a new director! Just a note: if you're on spring or summer staff, or still applying for summer staff, please be in contact with Courtney at or on Facebook about your application! SITE MANAGER STUFF As you may recall from a few blog posts ago, Dave resigned back in January. Well, we are super thrilled to announce that Rolf will be taking his place. Rolf is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades and he's also be part of the Camp Evergree...

cabin fever ... there are bunks, folks!

It's been a while since we've blogged about the cabins. Don't take that to mean nothing is happening, because you know what? SO MUCH is happening! The bunkbeds are in the first two cabins; they can be used. Amazing! You'll notice that the bunkbeds at the front of the cabin, on either side, have a double bed on the bottom. Back in February, Bob, one of our board members, put together a fantastic Cabin Fever! fundraiser at Lendrum church in Edmonton. It was hosted by Dr. Phil ( Gery Schubert ). We're so thankful to all the folks who came out and made generous donations! The night raised over $11,000 toward the Cabin Fever! project ... and it was a very funny, entertaining night! We're now waiting to hear from the Alberta government about a $25,000 grant, which would be fantastic and fundraising for this project continues! And they look so pretty at night!

rise 'n shine round 2

Well folks, high fives all around. Rise 'n Shine Round 2, on February 24-26, was such a sweet weekend; it went off without a hitch. We had an awesome time with our speakers for the weekend Mat, Mike and Mericha. They came to join us from Prairie Bible Institute , and we shared some good laughs and stories. Along with the gang from PBI, we were blessed to have a worship team from Briercrest Bible College , led by our own Becca M. They were a great addition to the weekend, leading us in songs and a generally fun worship time. (You can listen to Becca on her myspace page , or watch her singing on her youtube page .) With youth and sponsors from Dalhousie, Linden, Highland and Coaldale, we had over 60 people on site. We also had amazing volunteers, as usual: here is the shout out: thanks REILLY, Cam, Nick, Sho, Cody H., Sarah, Steph, Julia, Ashley, Bradley, Kim, Amberly and Kathrina! Thanks to everyone for the sweet weekend, hope that the zip line, archery, skating, tuck, jug ...